We provide capacity building opportunities for schools, educators and parents to address accessibility and capacity gaps in educating our students and achieving top outcomes.
LAL’s Goal:
To excite, motivate, support and prepare teachers, students and their families to acquire the mindset, adaptability and core learning skills for the ever-changing future of work.
In any ecosystem, there is a direct correlation between health and stability, and the number and diversity of interrelationships between communities and individuals within that ecosystem.
Life Arts Laboratory models our work on healthy ecosystems valuing the input and involvement of educators and teachers, administrators, curriculum developers, families, local government, non-profits and businesses to create a healthy learning ecosystem for our students and a healthy teaching environment with the required tools for our schools and teachers.
Life Arts Laboratory will be starting pilot programs in New Mexico public schools, home school and other educational communities in Spring 2020. Contact us if you would like to participate.
Life Arts Laboratory has evolved from a project hosted out of Biocultura in Santa Fe and seeded by a grant from 5016 ARTS, a grant redistribution partner of The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, to a mobile trailer with a modular interior that can be set up for STEAM educational activities during the school year. During other parts of the year, LAL can be used by individual or groups of artists for sci-art projects. See below for our origins.

A small group of local artists, designers and scientists with expertise in fabrication and modification, interior space and design of built-in furniture and fixtures, and scientific processes and equipment will work to make the mobile lab functional and easy to use.